Help For Dog Arthritis – 7 Nonmedicinal Solutions

Help for dog arthritisArthritis, usually found in senior dogs, is a common ailment. There are many types of arthritis with the most common being osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative joint disease that results in the breaking down of joint cartilage. When this happens bones can rub together and joint pain can occur.

Naturally, you will want to provide help for your dog’s arthritis as knowing your dog is in pain is never an easy thing. You may begin to notice signs in your dog such as limping, stiffness, trouble jumping up, difficulty using stairs, nipping when touched, or loss of excitement when it comes to taking a once loved walk.

Each dog is different, and speaking to a veterinarian can help you with a personalized plan to managing your dog’s health. Below are some additional solutions to consider, some of which may not be mentioned in your dog’s veterinarian visit.

Help For Dog Arthritis

  1. Canine Massage

Daily canine massage can help to relieve stiffness, increase range of motion, and reduce muscle tension and pain. It can also assist in slowing down the degenerative process of arthritis. You can find a professional canine massage therapist by searching “canine massage” online. Oftentimes home visits are offered since dogs are most comfortable in the surroundings of their own home. If asked, most massage therapists are happy to provide instructions for how to massage your dog on your own for in between appointments. There are plenty of instructional You Tube videos out there if you want to go that route, or if you are really ambitious you can enroll in an online canine massage course and become certified yourself!

  1. Acupuncture

Many veterinarians offer acupuncture as an integral part of their practice. Although acupuncture can be used for a variety of reasons, it is most often thought of for pain management. Acupuncture involves inserting needles into body tissue which relaxes the muscles at the site of needle insertion, and other distant areas of the body, creating a pain relieving effect. Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years; the goal of acupuncture is to promote the body to heal itself.

  1. Cold Laser Therapy

This is a non-invasive procedure that uses a beam of light to stimulate damaged cells to produce more energy. It is sited as improving pain, reducing swelling and inflammation, increasing circulation and releasing endorphins. Unlike hot laser treatments there is no risk during the procedure of burning due to the intensity of the laser beam. The procedure is fairly simple taking approximately 10 – 20 minutes, with no shaving of the fur or sedation required.

  1. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is conducted in the water, and allows a dog with arthritis to get moving in a way that is pain-free, and does not aggravate the joints. The resistance of water against the movement of the body makes swimming an excellent workout, which is good news for a pup with joint pain! Whether free swimming, or using an under water treadmill, water exercise can improve mobility, relieve pain, and be great for weight control.

  1. Bone Broth

Making bone broth is a simple process of simmering animal bones in water usually for 24 – 48 hours. Cooking it for this lengthy amount of time allows the nutrients inside of the bones to be released into the broth. As a dog gets older, joint cartilage may begin to diminish. Bone broth is loaded with collagen which helps to restore cartilage. Ingredients in bone broth such as collagen, glucosamine sulfate, and chondroitin sulfate can all aid in reducing the negative effects of arthritis such as pain, stiffness and joint mobility. You can make a large pot and add a portion of it to your dog’s food each day. Dogs Naturally magazine published a recipe for bone broth HERE.

  1. Orthopedic Bed

A dog with arthritis pain may find it terribly uncomfortable to sleep on a hard floor, or a dog bed that flattens and sinks when laid upon. In addition, a dog that was used to jumping up to sleep on a sofa or bed may now find it difficult. An orthopedic dog bed can provide an easily accessible, and comfortable, place to sleep. A good orthopedic bed should be soft, but still firm enough to provide support for aching joints.

  1. Keep Your Dog’s Weight In Check

Excess weight creates additional strain on the joints and ligaments. This in turn can make arthritis pain worsen making it more difficult to be mobile and active. A heavy dog may appear stiff, begin to limp, and have difficulty doing normal activities such as going up and down stairs, or lying down to sleep. The kindest thing you can do for your dog is to feed the right amount of high-quality food in order to maintain an ideal weight.

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