Plants That Are Toxic To Dogs

Plants that are toxic to dogsI’m sure you are aware that many plants and flowers are toxic to dogs. But, which ones? Unless you are a botanist, or something along those lines, it is difficult to know.

When my dog was a pup he was always sticking his nose in my indoor plants (and knocking them over a time or two as well!). But, my biggest concern was his inherent interest in nibbling on the leaves and stems. Since I love having fresh flowers and plants in the house I had to make it my business to find out the names of each of them, and research whether they were toxic or not. Especially for my largest floor plant that would mysteriously end up with large bites in the leaves (hmm, now where did those come from?).

199 Poisonous Plants To Look Out For If You Have Pets

Yesterday, the wonderful folks over at ProFlowers, reached out to offer us a fantastic infographic displaying all of the plants and flowers that are poisonous to both dogs and cats. Hurray! This makes it so much easier to determine which plants and flowers we should be keeping our pets away from. No more research…or guesswork.

The “legend” on the right hand side explains who the plant is toxic to (dog or cat), and which part of the plant should be avoided (entire plant, only leaves, etc.). You’ll also find a rating for the degree of toxicity.

I’ve printed a copy and plan to keep it handy. Hope you enjoy it too!

(Save it on Pinterest!)

Plants that are toxic to dogs

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