What To Buy For A New Puppy

What to buy for a new puppySo, you have decided to get a puppy! It is bound to be one of the most rewarding, and exciting, events in your life. After all, you are about to welcome a new family member into your home…albeit a furry, and wriggling one. No doubt, you will want to know what to buy for a new puppy in order to make your endeavor a success.

When thinking back on my current dog’s puppyhood days, I recall a few groans and moans on my part in relation to how much work he was! I mean, I loved him dearly but, oh my, when would he stop biting me with those sharp little teeth?

I also recall one day out of the blue thinking…huh, this is getting pretty easy! Time had crept up on me…my boy was growing up, and with it came some better puppy manners! We learned the ins and outs of each other’s personalities and lifestyles and eventually we adjusted beautifully.

I do recall being thankful that I prepared ahead of time so that, from day one, I had everything organized and ready to go in order to properly care for him.

So, first things first…let’s get you prepared! Just what do you need to buy for your brand new puppy?

What to Buy For a New Puppy

  1. Crate

A crate is the most effective way to potty train a new puppy. In addition, you will need a way to confine your puppy when you are not able to supervise him. A puppy cannot be left to roam about freely, not only because he will chew up your possessions, but also for his own safety. Things such as household cleaners, toxic plants, or sharp objects can all be a danger to your puppy.

A crate should be large enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and stretch out, but not so large that he can eliminate on one end and sleep on the other. If you need help with crate training/potty training, please read my article, “How to Potty Train a Puppy Fast“.

As for bedding for the crate, choose wisely! Puppies are little destruction machines, and they will chew their bedding. Not only that, but if they ingest the stuffing, or other parts of the bedding, it can become a health emergency.

what to buy a new puppyMy dog was the worst of the worst when it came to chewing and during those chewing-like-a-beast months we decided the safest thing to do was to have absolutely no bedding at night when we weren’t available to supervise. But, all puppies are different, and if you decide your puppy can safely sleep with some type of bedding then just be certain that it is tough enough to withstand those razor sharp teeth.

Certainly do not spend your hard earned dollars on an amazing dog bed because chances are it will get ruined either by teeth or soiling.

  1. Baby Gate/s

Depending on the layout of your home you will probably need a baby gate, or two. After a puppy has done his business outdoors, this becomes the perfect time to allow playtime indoors without the fear of a house accident. But, there are still going to be areas of the house that you don’t want your puppy to roam. These can be blocked off via baby gates.

Our house, unfortunately, has an open concept floor plan which made it impossible to use a baby gate effectively, although one did come in handy to put at the base of the stairs. At least that prevented our puppy from clambering upstairs to go “shopping” for toys and stuffed animals in the kid’s rooms! If you have an open concept floor plan you may want to consider an exercise pen instead.

  1. Leash

Of course you will want a leash so you can walk your puppy, and have control during training sessions.

  1. Cleaning Supplies

Rare is the person who gets by without their puppy having a single potty accident in the house, and for this reason you will need to be armed with cleaning supplies.

  1. Food Bowl / Water Bowl

What to buy a new puppyI personally prefer ceramic dog bowls because they are heavy and cannot be pushed around the floor, carried around by a playful puppy, or chewed on. They are also easy to clean whether by hand or in the dishwasher.

  1. Quality Dog Food

Dog food manufacturers often create age-specific dog food, so be sure to choose a formula that is suitable for a puppy. If you need help determining which dog foods to stay away from, please read my article, “Dog Food Ingredients to Avoid“.

  1. Collar & ID Tag

Certainly you hope that your puppy never becomes lost, but should the worst happen you will need a dog ID tag, and a collar to attach it to. The ID tag should list your name and phone number so you can be contacted should someone find your puppy.

  1. Poop Bags

It is a given that you will need to clean up after your puppy. Dog poop bags come in rolls and can be easily inserted into a poop bag carrier, or carried singly in a pocket. I keep The Fifth Paw hands free poop bag carrier attached to my leash at all times so I never forget poop bags, and never have to carry stinky used bags home.

  1. Puppy Appropriate Toys

What to buy a new puppyKeep in mind that puppies have sharp teeth and can tear toys apart and ingest them. In addition, even though puppy teeth are sharp, they are much more fragile than adult dog teeth and can break. That being said, you puppy DOES need toys to chew! Toys keep a puppy happy (and busy!), and can also be used to redirect your puppy when he is inappropriately chewing on your shoes, furniture, or wooden table legs. Just use common sense when selecting puppy appropriate toys, and supervise your puppy accordingly.

  1. Training Treats

Puppies are very food motivated, and training treats are the perfect size to please them during training sessions, while also keeping the calorie count down to a minimum.

  1. Grooming Brush

No matter whether your new puppy has short or long hair, getting them used to being brushed, and essentially handled from head to paw, to tail, will be one of the best things you can do. This teaches your puppy to tolerate touch and prevents them from biting later on in situations such as going to the groomer or vet, or inappropriate touching by children. Touch with a grooming brush is good, but in addition, you should always touch your puppy’s paws, ears, body, face, etc. to get him used to it.

  1. Dog Shampoo

What to buy for a new puppyDo not use human shampoo! Dogs do not have the same skin type as humans. Human shampoo can make your puppy’s skin dry and itchy, and make his fur look dull and lifeless. There are plenty of dog shampoos on the market, or if you prefer, you can concoct a DIY dog shampoo.

You will probably want a separate towel for your puppy too. At my house we keep a stack of “dog” towels on hand, which are essentially just old towels that were ready to be thrown out.

  1. Nail Clippers & Styptic Powder

Get your puppy used to having his paws handled from day one. A dog that wasn’t accustomed to having his paws handled as a puppy will most likely pull away or nip at your hand when you try to clip his nails. Nail clipping is important to promote good posture, ease in walking and running, and to prevent joint pain later on.

Styptic powder is what stops bleeding should you accidentally cut into the quick. You may be interested in reading my article, “How to Clip a Dog’s Nails“. You can also opt to have a groomer or vet clip your dog’s nails for you.

  1. Toothbrush / Toothpaste

If you are reading this and saying, “Come on, who really brushes their dog’s teeth anyway?”, well, I can’t say I blame you. However, most dogs start showing signs of gum disease by the time they are 3 or 4 years old. And, deep cleanings can be expensive! So, you may choose the route of brushing your dog’s teeth vs doing expensive cleanings or worse, extractions, later on. If you start early enough your puppy won’t mind it. Read my article, “Brushing a Dog’s Teeth – Do You Really Have To?” as it will help you decide. One thing to note, be sure not to use human toothpaste! It is bad for your puppy and your pup will most likely prefer the yummy doggie flavored toothpastes such as poultry, peanut butter, or bacon.

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